The ability to interface certain professional disciplines with recent technological developments has given these disciplines a competitive edge and marketing is no exception. Geofencing marketing is one of the latest tools developed to enhance the marketing profession. Geofencing marketing refers to a digital marketing tool that enables marketers to segment their markets geographically and hence send relevant marketing information to customers on their mobile phones or even their tablets or desktops, for example, consumers within a certain radius of a business in a town. Simply, it will enable the business to promote its products or services to potential clients within the geographical boundary they have established digitally. Watch this video to get started.

When executing geofencing marketing, one has to first establish the geographical boundary, identify when a customer enters into the predefined region, seek permission to access their location, and then proceed to send the marketing information to them. It is a marketing tool that can be efficiently used by small and medium enterprises as well as large corporates. So with geofencing marketing causing such a massive stir among marketers, the question is what benefits one derives from using it.

For starters, geofencing marketing makes geo-targeting a less debilitating task for marketers. Using these digital boundaries one can mark out even a building or area where the potential customers frequent as opposed to working with a whole district in a city; one can promptly send applicable messages to the right customers. Also, geofencing allows for improved data collection. This is so since, using this digital tool enables you to keep track of foot traffic into the designated area or building, how long the potential customers stayed within the designated region, how many people saw the sent message and the efficiency of the messages in luring customers. Ultimately, all these data can be used to establish the impact of your marketing efforts in terms of calls to your firm by potential clients. To find out more about geofence, click here.

Geofencing marketing also results in cost reduction. Since the messages sent out are directly targeted to the right kind of customer, less money is spent reaching out to irrelevant customers hence fewer expenses. Also, this means that the customers targeted are more likely to respond to the messages hence the likelihood of actual sales. Therefore, cases of geofencing having a high rate of return on investment are true. Finally, geofencing advertising results in the analysis of data acquired in real-time, ability to engineer adverts that are unique to the target audience in the earmarked region and, in some cases, the ability to reach out to potential customers even after they leave the digitally designated location.
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